Saturday, September 24, 2011

Looking at the Past, Thankful for the Present

Looking at the Past, Thankful for the Present 

I attended a friend's wedding tonight, and saw someone from my past love. That person was still handsome, well-dressed up and..seemed happy with his wife now. I was a bit dressed up cause I knew I somehow
gonna see him, of course we didn't exactly bump into each other tonight (thank God, or that's gonna be awkward!) and while standing there I kinda watched him from a far, and kept telling myself, "she was not that pretty".."I guessed when he sees me, he would dumbstruck at me"..ehm..that was just an awful thought, I mean..hello...I was treated badly by him, and now I'm gonna make him feel sorry cause he dumped me? You know what, that's not gonna happen..ever! Maybe because tonight was the first time again I saw him since 8 years, and the feeling of making him "see" me still there..but very little.Tonight is not the night where I feel that I need to revenge,'s just one of those moments where I sit back, looking at my past, and I knew where I belong in the present and also time to think that..maybe if I rewind my past, i won't make a fool out of to easy to fall..and be a third wheel most of a time. I am living in present time, and glad to have my family. One of my best friends,Renna, just told me about her life being so flat and bored, and whats my opinion when I'm in the situation. I said I write, or imagining things, because our minds also control our happiness. It's a nice escape to imagine things (but still not ignore the present problem) because we can create "happy thoughts" and it will pick up our mood. She also said we just have to cherish the moment no matter how bad it is because regrets put you nowhere.and darn well I agreed!

Monday, July 4, 2011

I"m backkkkk!

Today will mark my 4 months of absent in blogging has been busy. I've been back teaching for kindergarten class. And my stories have been handed to the publisher.Just cross our finger some of them will be in the next 2 years. coz they say that publishing a book is not as easy as 1,2,3 or flipping your palm...I know it. I just wish they would tell me if they are not good materials. I know I haven't written my blog like forever..really I was just tired and didn't feel like writing, since my mind n body are occupied with my job. I miss my Smallville series the most, it ended last April.. I miss Tom Welling, heck he is one gorgeous man!Ehm...I! His image just keep floating in my head, and I have just the perfect idea for my next  story..which involve a guy that look like him, anyway I'm still writing just on my blackberry,and I am still a fan of reading fan fiction. There are some and most awesome writers out there. I am just a really tiny good than they are. Some news haven't changed such as still no box office movies are imported here, I guess I missed Transformers and Pirates...heck, please don't let me miss Harry Potter and Breaking Dawn...Please..people who work for movies, just work out that tax problem will ya'! We are in desperate need of imported movies. It doesn't mean I do not appreciate Indonesian movies, but please no more "Indonesian Ghost stories". Okay,I'm outta here...btw, Kiana is K1 now...and I'm having my 2 weeks holiday!yay! c u....

Monday, February 21, 2011

Imported New Movies...? Ehmm...No More!

The first time I actually got the news about no imported new movies will be released, was through blackberry messenger. I thought, nah it was probably just a joke, a really bad joke, I mean come on...and the next morning, like it was officially on TV that starting Feb 17th there is no new imported movie release. They even cancel "Black Swan", "True Grit", and "127 hours". Well, damn it!!Is this some kind of distraction issue as well as the "Ahmadiyah" case, and look where we are heading..ehmm..I guess the "corruption" cases are put back in the shelf. Great!

Anyway, I'm not gonna go rambling with different issue, so now Indonesia has raised the new regulation taxation for imported movies. The rumor said that this new regulation is "ridiculous" and it's just making the Indonesia's cinema falling. There is an interesting comment from Noorca. M. Massardi as the chairman of Indonesian Cinema's and Association, that went like this, “It is an outrageous import tax on distribution rights that has never before existed in any film business practice in the world,” he stated. He further explained that before the new tax was imposed, each film brought into Indonesia was already slapped with three kinds of tax that total 23.75 percent of the value of the item. A further 15 percent revenue tax goes to the country’s tax coffers, and, in addition, district governments impose entertainment taxes ranging from 10 to 15 percent of ticket sales. (quoted from on Feb 21st)

What the heck they were thinking when they raise the taxation for imported movies, in which Indonesian's tax is the highest among other countries? Movies can't be replaced with political tactics to distract "urgent issues". I read somewhere that they say, they raise the tax for imported films to increase the viewers for Indonesian Movies, seriously guys...threatened much??? It's the most ridiculous statement ever! Don't do that, you guys are killing the Indonesian cinemas itself. And by the way, it could actually effect the lower number of people that go to the cinema, which will lower the income for restaurant in Malls, which will cause the reduction of Cinemas' employee. There, is the government satisfied? No Harry Potter part 2, Transformer, I am number 4, Breaking Dawn..yada yada yada...yup, all gone. Oh God please don't let that happen too long. I hope we'll see our fav new movies soon in cinemas. Just remember movies are one of the media/tool of communication and information. You can't disconnect information!

pic above taken from

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Not Really a Sales Person

(pic courtesy of

Today, I got an interviewed by one of the English Publishing company in Jakarta. I was quite excited because, yeah...I had landed an interview in media, which is quite challenging because they offered me as an Account Executive (AE). I did not want to have high hopes, because to be an AE is not what I had in mind when working with the media. If I could not get myself out there as a writer, then being a reporter as a starter won't be a problem for me. But, i did have a bit of reluctance when I went for the interview. I know several things about AE position since my sister and my husband are working as AE too. So, at least from their stories I know what AE's desk jobs are, which is one of them involving with meeting clients (probably outside working hours). So, I thought I got it all figure out...but then...the person who interviewed me, seemed to be able to read people's mid/gesture. I did send my CV with my sample writing story, and he just said seemed you have talent for writing, because people have different talents, and yours is writing, and then he went on saying what i could do to convince him that he should hire me. Yeah, so I said to him that I love to try new things, and I am someone who believe in learning by doing and with the right supervision, I could do tasks well. And so I thought, I made quite good impression on him, but what shocked me was, he said that he wanted someone who is self committed. He said that I didn't convince him enough as a sales person. I didn't get offended with him saying that, because he was quite right, I may not be the "right" person for the position, I have talents...just maybe not in sales...I convince people through my writing, I may not selling myself well enough during the interview, because I didn't feel fit with the position offered. I do want to try for the editorial, but they have no vacant position available at this moment...well, that's okay..I'm just gonna keep on writing with my children stories (co-written with my friend Saskia) and other fiction stories ideas..keep my finger-crossed and hopefully my children stories get approval and are published soon. Amin

Saturday, January 15, 2011

It's Hard Selling Food @ School Bazaar

(pic taken from:

Today was day two of school bazaar at Don Bosco school that Charma and I joined. I sold moussaka, chicken tetrazzini (which my sister in law's mom made them), my own fruit salad, home made coco jelly drinks, while Charma sold chocolate pudding, baked maccaroni, fruit punch, lasagna, chocolate rumball, and rice package. Looks yummy and delicious, right...they were! But,'s so hard to sell those food and drinks! I mean, seriuosly, our competitors were expert in school bazaar, they were selling rice bento package, ice tea in many flavoured, chocolate crepes, and flavoured french fries...Yup, no wonder we were the underdogs :). But, our items were quite affordable for school kids' pocket money, you know!hey, we're doing this bazaar just for fun and testing the market, so no harm...well..sort of..that's alright, I mean...we're not chef,nor having business in it's fine. Instead of trying to sell our stuff, I mean, my eyes just went to the other food counter and bought some of them hahaha or Charma and I bought our own stuff (like exchanging our own food) hilarious was that! It's damn hard to sell our food, what I'm trying to say was, these kids prefer the "unhealthy flavoured french fries" with almost the same price compare to buying our "healty" choice of food as I mentioned above. I guess, being these kids only care about the taste and if it's got many "preservatives" ...the better. So, it's so hard to earn money from these two days. Yeah..I just complained because our stall was lack of kids customers :p. Well, better luck next time :)