Saturday, January 15, 2011

It's Hard Selling Food @ School Bazaar

(pic taken from:

Today was day two of school bazaar at Don Bosco school that Charma and I joined. I sold moussaka, chicken tetrazzini (which my sister in law's mom made them), my own fruit salad, home made coco jelly drinks, while Charma sold chocolate pudding, baked maccaroni, fruit punch, lasagna, chocolate rumball, and rice package. Looks yummy and delicious, right...they were! But,'s so hard to sell those food and drinks! I mean, seriuosly, our competitors were expert in school bazaar, they were selling rice bento package, ice tea in many flavoured, chocolate crepes, and flavoured french fries...Yup, no wonder we were the underdogs :). But, our items were quite affordable for school kids' pocket money, you know!hey, we're doing this bazaar just for fun and testing the market, so no harm...well..sort of..that's alright, I mean...we're not chef,nor having business in it's fine. Instead of trying to sell our stuff, I mean, my eyes just went to the other food counter and bought some of them hahaha or Charma and I bought our own stuff (like exchanging our own food) hilarious was that! It's damn hard to sell our food, what I'm trying to say was, these kids prefer the "unhealthy flavoured french fries" with almost the same price compare to buying our "healty" choice of food as I mentioned above. I guess, being these kids only care about the taste and if it's got many "preservatives" ...the better. So, it's so hard to earn money from these two days. Yeah..I just complained because our stall was lack of kids customers :p. Well, better luck next time :)

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