Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Not Really a Sales Person

(pic courtesy of inetgiant.com)

Today, I got an interviewed by one of the English Publishing company in Jakarta. I was quite excited because, yeah...I had landed an interview in media, which is quite challenging because they offered me as an Account Executive (AE). I did not want to have high hopes, because to be an AE is not what I had in mind when working with the media. If I could not get myself out there as a writer, then being a reporter as a starter won't be a problem for me. But, i did have a bit of reluctance when I went for the interview. I know several things about AE position since my sister and my husband are working as AE too. So, at least from their stories I know what AE's desk jobs are, which is one of them involving with meeting clients (probably outside working hours). So, I thought I got it all figure out...but then...the person who interviewed me, seemed to be able to read people's mid/gesture. I did send my CV with my sample writing story, and he just said that..it seemed you have talent for writing, because people have different talents, and yours is writing, and then he went on saying what i could do to convince him that he should hire me. Yeah, so I said to him that I love to try new things, and I am someone who believe in learning by doing and with the right supervision, I could do tasks well. And so I thought, I made quite good impression on him, but what shocked me was, he said that he wanted someone who is self committed. He said that I didn't convince him enough as a sales person. I didn't get offended with him saying that, because he was quite right, I may not be the "right" person for the position, I have talents...just maybe not in sales...I convince people through my writing, I may not selling myself well enough during the interview, because I didn't feel fit with the position offered. I do want to try for the editorial, but they have no vacant position available at this moment...well, that's okay..I'm just gonna keep on writing with my children stories (co-written with my friend Saskia) and other fiction stories ideas..keep my finger-crossed and hopefully my children stories get approval and are published soon. Amin

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