Monday, February 21, 2011

Imported New Movies...? Ehmm...No More!

The first time I actually got the news about no imported new movies will be released, was through blackberry messenger. I thought, nah it was probably just a joke, a really bad joke, I mean come on...and the next morning, like it was officially on TV that starting Feb 17th there is no new imported movie release. They even cancel "Black Swan", "True Grit", and "127 hours". Well, damn it!!Is this some kind of distraction issue as well as the "Ahmadiyah" case, and look where we are heading..ehmm..I guess the "corruption" cases are put back in the shelf. Great!

Anyway, I'm not gonna go rambling with different issue, so now Indonesia has raised the new regulation taxation for imported movies. The rumor said that this new regulation is "ridiculous" and it's just making the Indonesia's cinema falling. There is an interesting comment from Noorca. M. Massardi as the chairman of Indonesian Cinema's and Association, that went like this, “It is an outrageous import tax on distribution rights that has never before existed in any film business practice in the world,” he stated. He further explained that before the new tax was imposed, each film brought into Indonesia was already slapped with three kinds of tax that total 23.75 percent of the value of the item. A further 15 percent revenue tax goes to the country’s tax coffers, and, in addition, district governments impose entertainment taxes ranging from 10 to 15 percent of ticket sales. (quoted from on Feb 21st)

What the heck they were thinking when they raise the taxation for imported movies, in which Indonesian's tax is the highest among other countries? Movies can't be replaced with political tactics to distract "urgent issues". I read somewhere that they say, they raise the tax for imported films to increase the viewers for Indonesian Movies, seriously guys...threatened much??? It's the most ridiculous statement ever! Don't do that, you guys are killing the Indonesian cinemas itself. And by the way, it could actually effect the lower number of people that go to the cinema, which will lower the income for restaurant in Malls, which will cause the reduction of Cinemas' employee. There, is the government satisfied? No Harry Potter part 2, Transformer, I am number 4, Breaking Dawn..yada yada yada...yup, all gone. Oh God please don't let that happen too long. I hope we'll see our fav new movies soon in cinemas. Just remember movies are one of the media/tool of communication and information. You can't disconnect information!

pic above taken from

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