Monday, April 26, 2010

Pregnancy and Giving Birth Fearless

Good Attitude Saves You Good Time

Being pregnant is a wonderful thing. Believe it or not, the process through the nine months carrying a baby sometimes is not as easy as reading a theory. If someone asks me, how did I go through the delivery? I would say, that my experience was a good influence to pass on to those who need reassurance. I trust with positivity, women can give birth normally and have good memories after giving birth. It begins with positive thinking….
Everyone has different kind of experience during their pregnancy, and has different kind of technique to show and give attention to the infant in their belly. During pregnancy, women’s hormonal increases, which include being moody and all that. It is normal that sometimes you just want to burst out your anger when something doesn’t feel okay. However, it is helpful to get that anger out if you talk to your partner. Hence, according to the doctor that being too emotional is not healthy for the baby’s emotionally in the womb. Furthermore, they say an emotional mom will have an emotional baby. I would say, just talk to your friend or partner when something is bothering you or just go out with your friend, have lunch or watch a movie.
During pregnancy, everyone… and I mean everyone will have a say to you, about anything! Food that you must not eat, activity you must not have to do, things to teach the baby when they are still in the womb, and so on. I would say, whatever they say, just take the positive thing and adjust it with your own life. Since not everyone has the same opinion or action on what to do during pregnancy. For example, they say during the pregnancy just eat healthy food, and totally ignore the junk food. Hey, pregnant women are allowed to crave right, so I’m all about compromise, if you want to eat junk food like once in 3- 4weeks, then just go ahead. It’s not like you eat unhealthy food everyday. When I was pregnant, besides eating normal portion of lunch and dinner, I ate chocolate cereal with full cream milk every time I wanted. I only drank a glass of pregnancy milk, while the doctor suggested me to drink 2 glasses of pregnancy milk, since the doctor suggested that pregnancy milk has more folic acid that is good for the baby’s brain development. And being naughty, I also ate street Chinese noodles once a week, and I just thought that I ate a lot of nutritious food everyday anyway, so I had no guilty feeling about it. Ehm, but this example of mine about eating noodles was not a good advice to give okay, so adjust it with your own. Another thing was about me still driving a car until I was 9 months pregnant. The doctor said it was okay, so I did it anyway. A friend of mine told me that her baby has a bow-legged because she was driving during her pregnancy. I told my doctor about my friend’s story, and he convinced me that if the lack of baby’s physical condition was not triggered by normal driving, so I stayed on driving until 9 months. Fortunately, my doctor was the best because he always brought the positive attitude out of me, so I was confident all the way my pregnancy. A lot of women who are pregnant say that it is a positive thing to have the baby in the womb listen the classical music. I know I am such an opinionated person, therefore I always get my argument out first. For me, I do not really like classical music, for this reason I did not have my unborn baby to listen classical music, because simply I did not like it. A baby’s feeling and emotion are connected with the mother, if the mother does not like listening classical music, then don’t force it. Do something you like, and I did that. I always like children’s story books, so I always read my unborn baby children story books before I went to bed. Believe it or not, my daughter (a 3-year-old girl) is very talkative, imaginative, and quite smart I say! Another activity that you must do is sex! Sex is important in pregnancy because if you are having orgasm, it means you are feeling happy, and if mommy is happy, the baby is happy! Moreover, the liquid from the sperm helps your vagina to find its way to open, especially during the almost timing to labor!
When you know it is almost time to get labor, do not panic, because being panic just make your heart rate beating faster , you can’t think straight, and you will feel fake contraction (Braxton hicks). Just have a deep breath, think about all the instructions in the giving birth preparation class, have a positive attitude that YOU CAN DO THIS! Believe it or not, some friends of mine who saw my labor video, they say that I was laughing instead of crying. And yes, I was having more of a chit chat with the doctor and sometimes I laugh, and if I remember, even right now I do not have any pain memory during the labor. I gave my positive attitude and ignored the lines “I can’t do this”. For this reason, I always give my positive advice for those who want to give birth normally. I had no idea where I got that “I can do this” attitude, but my doctor say that because I always think positive and act on it, I managed to pass the labor smoothly. Of course it was a bit pain, but not a “pain in the ass” kind of memory. I remember the push, the in and out breathing, and the determination of knowing I can do this. During the fake contraction, I was already in hospital the night before and to add my “positive” attitude, but my vagina was not ready to have full labor, because it was only two fingers opening. So, I took another exercise, walking, and go up and down to the stairs. Exactly 16 hours I fought Braxton hicks contractions and not mention the doctor gave me medicine to increase the contraction and an half an hour after the medicine I gave birth. Wow, what a day!
No worries, just know that you can do this. It is all in your mind, take control of it, do preparation exercise, do and act what you like that you think it is safe for you and the baby, and believe it, it saves you a good memory!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! you should consider yourself a pregnancy guru :-) You're the person I should have consultation with when I'm with a child, later.
    I surely remember when you were heavy with Kiana and still actively teaching and driving, not to mention the incidents you had (hhm, I guess I know why Kiana is being Kiana now - I mean, really, in the sweetest way possible, she's the most adorable 3-year-old! So, I got it: sex, healthy food (with some tolerance of unhealthy cravings), and positive attitude. Seems doable!
