Monday, April 5, 2010

The Hype of Twilight Saga

What is it about Twilight that make the girls and women can't get enough of?

Twilight Saga is like a new phenomenon for the young girls and women nowadays. It tells a story about Edward Cullen, a vegetarian vampire who described as handsome (God like, as they say), intelligent, thoughtful, and has a talent to read people's mind who fell in love with Bella Swan, an introverted, shy, clumsy, selfless and more importantly is a plain and ordinary girl. The novels were written by Stephenie Meyer which consist of 4 series; Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. The phenomenon of Twilight keeps on going since the first movie Twilight was released in November 2008, followed by New Moon that was released in November 2009,and the third saga Eclipse is about to be released in June 2010. Yet, the last saga has not been confirmed the actual production. I will not give an extend details of what the novel is all about. However, I am going to give my insights that the hype of Twilight Saga are factored by the relation of teenage girls with the characters, the love story, and the "rumors" of the Twilight co stars.

Personally, I was not a fan of novels or that kind of readings, since I am a more of visual person. Yet, after watching the film, I was hooked and still keeping myself up to date with the news. I do get why the young teens can relate a lot to this Bella character. I mean, Bella is a plain girl who got herself a handsome vampire boyfriend. The character Bella itself is related with the teenagers nowadays, who are dreaming to be swept off by a charming Prince. Yes indeed, it's kind of the 21st Cinderella story all over again, with a different twist, since the prince charming is a vampire. I would discuss how Bella is a typical teenage girl, because she is as the book said, irrevocably in love with just a moment of seeing him. It does seem like teenage girl crush in most cases of Junior High- high School. Not most of real teen girls are pretty and famous, Bella is an ordinary girl, she does not like to be the center of attention, and yet is captured the heart of a handsome vampire. Teen girls relate to that, the dream of an ordinary girl to be in a romance with the Prince Charming. And to be quite honest, as comparison to Bella character there are several "female" characters from the other Vampire books, for example the character of Sookie Stackhouse(from True Blood series by Charlaine Harris), who is described as quite beautiful, strong, independent and outspoken woman. And the other character from LJ Smith novel-Vampire Diaries, is Elena Gilbert the beautiful, passionate, sweet, and feminine girl, and she is a cheerleader. Those two female characters are very much different with Bella. Because, as I point before, not all the girls are girly girl, beautiful, outspoken, and become an instant catch for handsome boys. Most average girls will definitely relate themselves with Bella,a plain and ordinary girl, yet the teen girls also want what Bella has, which is a God like boyfriend.

Forever young with your soul mate is the kind of love story presented in Twilight. Bella has found her true love in Edward, and vice versa. Twilight does not only portray a teen love story (which there is also a love triangle between Edward-Bella-Jacob), but also the issue of a teen marriage and a teen mom. In making an intense and interesting love story, a love triangle drama is a must ingredient. Since with the love triangle, we are forced to choose which one is the love of our life. Bella has made that choice, she chose to be with Edward her first and true love instead being with Jacob, her best friend whom she fell in love with later on. And even though there are two split fans, team Edward-Bella and Bella-Jacob, I guess most of the readers would still love the pairing of Edward-Bella, since Edward is a God like guy, and most of all is because Edward possessiveness with Bella that would make the teen girls wish they were Bella. I mean who wouldn't like being loved and cared by a handsome guy, and that guy only has eyes for one girl...ehmm talking about a "dream guy".I believe many fans of Twilight have read the 4th series where Bella finally married Edward and got pregnant. I guess because this book was written by a Mormon follower (a Mormon is a someone who does not have sex before marriage), so Bella and Edward only begun intimate as in intercourse after they were married, when Bella was 19 years old and Edward still a 109 year-old-vampire (who is actually still 17 years old). I mean, not only that this Novel is a Mom-approved reading, but Twilight has made new fans, which they called Twimoms. They are Moms who approve their daughters to read Twilight and also become fans. These Moms agreed in some level that dating should only be kissing (like what Edward and Bella did), and not to lead into intercourse. I think Twilight gave enlightens and new perspective to teens girls that dating does not have to lead on to intercourse, and Twimoms are loving this idea. However, as I said before Bella got married and become a mom in teens too, this kind of idea, should be explained to teens girls that it is not as simple as that. Moreover, the character of Bella being selfless and taking a risk to be with Edward forever, should be taken into a note that girls should not be that "selfless n risking their life" just to be with someone they love. I believe the Moms should further explain to their daughters about the relationship of Bella and Edward during dating, is acceptable but the idea of getting married and become a Mom, need to be thought as something different, and should be done in a mature and responsible situation.

The chemistry of Bella and Edward on screen is believed to be the reason why the Twilight is so big. The cast of Bella is played by Kristen Stewart and Edward is played by Robert Pattinson. These two stars have made the Twilight fans screaming all over the world. Believe it or not, it gave me goosebumps when I saw Twilight for the first time because their chemistry is hot! I guess it was not so hard to read that both actors have "off screen" chemistry that made the fans "hyperventilating" (quote by Stephenie Meyer who saw the kissing scene during the audition of Edward and Bella). During the promotion of Twilight, the fans of Twiight did not really notice that Kristen and Robert had "on and off" romance (since Kristen had a boyfriend, actor Michael Angarano). The true fans of the actors start noticing them in the photos where Kristen and Robert always stole glances every now and then and also in the Vanity Fan video where they were really intimate. Furthermore, the prove of these two are an item, was discovered in early 2009 when photos of them hanging out together were photographed by papparazi. And some pictures when Kristen and Robert stayed the night at hotel together. Hence, the magazine round ups for these two are like crazy, because they are exploited in every gossip magazines. These young actors became the new" brangelina" coupling, which they called "Robsten". Yet, Robert and Kristen have never admitted they are dating, whenever they are asked for personal questions, they will avoid them. According to Ted Casablanca from E! the Awful truth, this couple are private couple and try to keep it down low, and they do not want to be known because of the relationship, so that is why they never wan to talk about their relationship. However, because of this "secretive couple" the hype of Twilight has kept on going since 2008 an it never stops! The magazines have made this couple to become their headlines and cover for gossip (even untrue gossip about them), for example in one week we have headlines like "Robert has proposed to Kristen", and next week we will have "The couples are apart" or "Kristen is pregnant"....and so on and so on. I guess the fans really do enjoy their "relationship, because that would make them as the real Edward and Bella, since it fits with the description of "life imitate art".

Twilight Saga is truly an enjoyable "entertainment", and with the hype still going strong even when the film is not out in the theater yet, but the fans keep on loving the news or gossip about Twilight! If you really want to check on the news and gossip for Twilight, you can check in E! The Awful Truth or go to the fans website,such as Twilighters or Twilightindo (original by Indonesian fans). So, I can't wait to watch Eclipse in June!

1 comment:

  1. After all, the author of the Twilight Saga is a woman, who, having experienced being a woman, created such a significant character, to comfort every girl’s fantasy of true-love Cinderella style. It is Edward Cullen, who made the perfect real guy a donkey. On the other hand, guys I believe, would think Edward Cullen is a total sissy!
    Now let’s be just and have a closer look on it. Edward only has his eyes on Bella, and whatever he does has got something involving Bella: going to Denali to avoid Bella, attempting a suicidal action because he believes Bella dies, putting his family in danger for Bella, and so on, like he didn’t have anything better to do (well, yeah being a century old rich vampire). Whatever he does would be seen as ugly in real life. We do have a specific word for someone like that: obsessive – and no one likes that. It looks sweet on the screen, but wouldn’t we be bothered when it happened in real life? How would you feel if your boyfriend broke into your room and watched you sleep?
    We women are often unrealistic about what we expect on guys, and Edward is the fictional character answering the demand: not viable. In this sense they become the symbol of hope as they have achieved something no men can do.
