Sunday, December 26, 2010

Riots for Purchasing Football tickets...What a Shame!

(source : Twitter/Arya P.

Though, TImnas was beaten 3-0 by the Malaysian Team just tonight, we should not surrender. Come on, I mean after all the victories the National Team has gained, we should be proud we made it to Final. Heck yeah the Malaysian supporters were not playing fair at first, because they shot laser lights towards the Indonesian goal keeper (Markus), just...better luck next time okay! I do kinda notice that our national team did not play with "much of enthusiasm" like they did when they beat Malaysian team a while ago. Was it because Timnas playing in our own country, so they had this positive vibe..well, I don't know, I am not exactly a football fan. Despite that Timnas lost in tonight's match, what bothers me the most was the management of ticket selling by PSSI. I mean they centralized the ticket selling for 80.000 supporters just in Senayan PSSI. Didn't they learn how to sell tickets from professional agents, like "music concert". What the heck were they thinking? Because of the centralization of ticket selling, the expensive price, poor management, lack of facility, they all have caused "riots" in GBK stadium this afternoon. Watching the news, as you can see in the picture above, is like watching resident evil, you know where all the zombies were gone crazies and eating people. Well, it looks like it. Many people were fainted, injured, I think one person was dead because getting stuck in the crowds. And not mention the vandalism. God, can't we become civilized just for watching a football match. To watch concert, the ticket selling is spread into different ticket agents, so there wont be any mass cummulation in one place. I'd say the ticket management should have been handled by "professional ticket agents!"..Please PSSI learn from mistakes. We, Indonesian do want to support our National Team, but you guys..should have managed the tickets better. No more riots!

Monday, December 20, 2010

New Year...New Beginning

It's almost end of this year! Gosh, how time flies so fast, I could not even take a brief moment to "relax". This year has been really tough on me, but I managed (thanks God for that!). I mean, life is always ups and downs, sad and happy, it can't always be a stagnant thing in everything, just like a chart there will be curves along the lines. I thought that I tried my best this year to make a career, but people may not see it like I do. And I know we can't judge ourselves, people surrounding us that will notice and critique us. I know I am not always right, even I always stubbornly try to force my opinion on something, people don't always agree with us- that I understand. But I do feel that, no matter what people see different about us, we should never think low of ourselves. Because, if we feel down, we can't move forward. We need to move forward, it's what New Year is all about right, to move forward and not looking back for our failure. It's seems cliche to make a new resolution for the next year, I mean I sure do we all want to make a new resolution that is better than this year. But, for me it's not just about resolution, is about more thanking less whining. To be honest, I sometimes blame God for making my life this year gloomier than before, but heck what an ungrateful human I am. God does give me more and I should have thank more. It's me that I need to blame, because I need to remain positive on whatever and I mean, whatever things that happen to me, good or bad. Sometimes we forget to look into ourselves, and too busy to look into others. All we need to do is to have mirror in front of us and see how our lives have been all this time, hence we are the one to make better judgment to ourselves and introspect ourselves to better our lives. I do pray that Next year is the beginning of better and positive things coming into my life. AMEN to that!

pic is taken from:

Monday, December 6, 2010

To Appreciate

As teachers we have to make our students feel happy about what they are doing, no matter how small the result is. I guess it's the same with viewing people. I, myself is still struggling not to be prejudiced or judge mental towards people. Because, to assume that someone is doing something without good result, is not a positive thing for ones, since they definitely feel unappreciated, and you can turn someone else's world upside down and make them at the lowest point of their life. Each people deals a problem differently, and for someone who can't take "a-hard-push advice" from someone, they may feel low about themselves, and you never know when someone you give advice to is not having "other trouble" as well. Appreciate to even a small effort makes someone's life better. We may not see the same view as others and not always on the same page with average people, but what important is we appreciate ourselves. Because once you feel unappreciated, you will fall down, and the only person that can bring you up again, is ourselves. We may ignore those unappreciated thoughts, opinions, views, or bs they are having on us, but when you feel down, just remember that God appreciates our effort even in the smallest way.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The First SAC Hand-made Cards Bazaar

SAC stands for Saskia-Aini-Charma, and it is our brand to sell handmade cards with quilling arts. Charma and I learned from Saskia who started first this quilling arts. Anyway, thanks to Saskia's mom, we could sell our hand-made cards in "Suriname's embassy stall" (since Saskia's mom is the secretary of Suriname's embassy) in WIC (Women International Club) at JHCC from 1-2 Dec'2010. We sold 34 cards out of 59 cards, and we are so lucky to have achieved this far. We just started this like a month ago and consistently practiced the quilling arts like everyday...And damn proud of the result! Today in the Bazaar was such a great opportunity to SAC and me. I mean, it's like seeing new people, interacting with the foreigners, and yeah maybe I was kinda dumb when they asked about Suriname's geography of even the culture. But, yeah, we managed!I loved seeing the people who stopped by to our stall, because the Suriname's costumes were very attractive (they had Indian Suriname,African, and Chinese). There were many of them who took pictures of us, and if we could charge every picture they took, I bet we could have made more money..hahahaha. Even though we are all very tired, but we are relieve that our handmade cards could sell more than we have expected...Go SAC!