Tuesday, July 27, 2010

When true love awaits for a hero

Common Resemblance between The Man of Steel and The Man of Marble

The characters of Superman (Clark Kent) and Edward Cullen are two of the most powerful men in the world of fictional world. I am a fan of Twilight Saga, and recently because of watching Smallville (especially season 9) I am so hooked with the origin stories of Superman. You are all probably wondering what the heck I am trying to pull in this thought of mine when writing the title. I guess, having watched the TV series, movies, read many fanfiction of Twilight and Smallville, I kind a notice the similarities between these two character.
It didn’t occur to me the first time I notice the resemblance between Clark Kent and Edward, but somehow these two are almost alike. Edward always says that he is not human, because he is a Vampire, who lives and walks among “human”. Because of his vampireness, Edward does not eat, drink nor sleep like humans do, but he only drinks blood (animal blood; a vegetarian Vampire). Edward always thinks that he is born to be alone and without soul mate, that is until Bella comes along. Clark Kent obviously comes from another planet called Krypton, and after being adopted by the Kents and having adjusted with the “human’s life”, Clark Kent does the chores just like the other humans, eats, drinks and sleeps like human (although he only needs a bit portion of them all). Clark also believes that no women would be with him because he is an alien, and no one would truly accept him of what he is and what he does as Superhero, that is until Lois Lane come along. These two (Clark and Edward) always thinks that they deserves to be alone and soul mate less. But when they found their soul mate, they are kinda afraid they would hurt the women they love when they want to be more intimate, due to their strength and power. Clark Kent is the man of steel, and Edward is the man of marble, they are both afraid they would hurt their women during intercourse. For Edward, obviously he has done it with Bella after he married her and surprisingly, Bella got pregnant. Edward has always been afraid to go for the next stage with Bella in relationship. Yet, in Breaking Dawn, Edward finally gains his control to have intercourse with Bella (when she was still human), without damaging her female organ. However, for Superman version, with some search from the other websites, there are still no “obvious” story where Superman (Clark Kent) has an intercourse with Lois lane. It was after the story Superman Return in 2006, where Superman had a kid with Lois Lane after he returned from his journey. However, there are still some debates among the comic readers and fans, if Superman can indeed have sexual intercourse with human being, since Superman has the speed more than a speeding bullet, in which having an intercourse could damage the “female organ” from the inside. Although in Smallville Clark did have intercourse with his first love, Lana, which happened when Clark was stripped his power. But, hey the debates are still on, because they also say that Superman can control his power.
For me as a fan of Twilight Saga and Smallville (Superman), the very noticeable factor of Superman and Edward is their true love. As Superman found his true love in Lois Lane (where he always thought to never find his soul mate), and the same goes with Edward who found his true love with Bella (where he always thought a vampire is soul less and ended up alone). Ehmm..I guess these two characters embrace the “true love and soul mate” in a really fascinating and upper level point of view , and I love it! Hahaha I guess I do have to admit that I am such a hopelessly romantic girl.

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