Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Becareful when taking your medicine, especially antibiotic, because it might cause allergic

This post is highly recommended to all the people who take medicine without knowing the side effects. I had a toothache, and it is very annoying because it bothered my appetite and I can't open my mouth wide. On the right bottom of my tooth point was taken along time a go, so it only left the upper right of my tooth point, and now it only pressed my gum, which hurts so much. Hence there was no other way than to remove it. So I went to this dentist, and filled out the necessary form about my tooth history. After the examination, it appeared that my right upper point tooth needed to be removed, so the doctor set me up with a small operation later this weekend. Next I was given a prescription for tooth painkiller, and antibiotic if my tooth still hurt after taking the pain killer. I was asked if I have any allergy to certain kind of medicine, and all that I know that I've never had any allergy to certain medication. When I got home I took one tablet of pain killer then in the evening at 8 pm I took the pain killer and the antibiotic. Later on around 1.30 am I felt my face was all itchy. I just thought it might be only mosquito or something. But when I woke up the next morning, I was so surprised that I saw my face was all swollen. My eyelids, my nose, my cheeks were swollen I was all panicked. All I think about was what food that I ate the other night, or it might have something to do with my medicine, since the itchy and swelling only appeared on my face not my body, so that means it must be oral medication that I consumed.

what a bummer, because the day my face was swollen, was a national holiday, so I could not get in touch with the doctor who gave me medication. So, I quickly went to the 24 hour Doctor, and he gave me this anti allergic medicine. But, it did not seem to work, because I still do have swollen face ( I guess my face looked like the "face off" person of someone who got beaten up badly..hey I was trying to make something good about my condition, I mean not to be panicking and stuff because it only makes matter worst right...). Anyway, after the no reaction thing from the anti allergic medicine, I checked out on the internet about the medicine that I consumed. And from what I researched there were a few cases like me who had taken a certain antibiotic type clindamycin, who got the itchy or swelling side effects to certain people. So apparently, I am one of those people who allergic to that antibiotic. I was doing research on the internet, and it did not give me enough sources about the treatment post-allergic. It only said to stop the medicine being used and to consult the doctor who prescribed it. None of it to give any advice like what sort of food or at least pre-treatment for the allergic. I was really panicked because the anti allergic medicine did not give any reaction, even though the swelling was abit decreasing, but the anti allergic was sure really take a long time to deflate the swelling.

So, I went back to the dentist who gave me the clindamycin prescription and she told me that I was 100% sure allergic to that type of antibiotic. Next time, I should have taken the note on that for sure! No clindamycin antibiotic or else my face is swelling! She told me the swelling will get better in a max 1 week...she said that it took a while to recover because my body endurance was quite week, so it would be different to some people to recover, depends on their body endurance to prevent any diseases. My doctor recommended me with different antibiotic and I should still take the anti allergic medicine, along with milk to neutralize the poison in my body I guess. The doctor also told me just to take 1/4 of a tablet on the new presciption of antibiotic that I took, just see for a couple of hours how my body reacted. Well. I guess after taking that new prescription my body did not have any reaction to it, dispite the itchy and the still swollen face, no new allergy has occured. Note taken, lesson learned, and trying to be stress-free from the swollen face...

Please my advice to all of you who are not aware if you are allergic or not on the new prescription that the doctor gives you, is to take just 1/4 of one tablet first, and see for couple of hours how it reacts to your body. Because, you could be like me..someone who has never had any allergic to any medication, yet...when given something new the allergy occured. We have to know our body well, becareful and search the internet for more info if you feel hesitant about the medicine you're taking.

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